Products I've Researched and Trust

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I truly believe in and would use myself, and actually do use some of them.  The products on this page contain affiliate links.  This means I will earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you.  

Groovy Bee® Collagen Peptides - Hydrolyzed Type I and III Collagen

Briefly put, collagen helps keep nearly every part of your body younger.  It’s often used to help diminish wrinkles and help with stronger hair and nails, but the greater benefits are what they can do for the cardiovascular system, bones, muscles, and digestive system. We produce less collagen as we age, but fortunately we can supplement our collagen.  Groovy Bee collagen has been tested and verified to be of the highest quality.  For a more thorough analysis of this product, or to buy, please click the button below.

Multi-vitamin For Women 55+

This blend of vitamins and minerals was specially formulated for women over 55 by award winning medical physician, Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, M.D.  May be taken any time of day on a full or empty stomach.  For more details on this product, please click below.

Allertrex For Easier Breathing

This all natural organic spray helps to clear the airways and cleanse the lungs for easier breathing.  It helps to detoxify and refresh the entire respiratory system.  Allertrex is great in reducing lung related allergy symptoms, or for countering air particulates from smog and smoke, or from everyday living.  Some even use this product just before bedtime for better breathing while they sleep.  To read the awesome reviews or to purchase Allertrex, please click the button below.

Berkey Light Water Filtration System

Save your health, time, and money with a portable Berkey Light Water Filtration System.  We know that clean water is important for good health.  Having a water filtration system will save you the time and hassle of having to go buy water, and some bottled water companies have been known to bottle regular tap water.  The money you will save is shocking. Compare that to the cases or gallons of water you buy at the store.  After buying 6,000 gallons of water from the store, whether you buy it by the gallon or the case, you have spent thousands of dollars.  Use the Berkey Light in your kitchen and take it camping.  You can use the Berkey Light Filtration System anywhere there’s a flat surface.  No need for pump or hoses, just pour the water in the top.  To find out more about this durable shatter resistant, BPA free, Berkey Light System, please click below.

Mineral Drops

With the depletion of nutrients in the soil from modern agricultural practices the fruits and vegetables we eat today have much less nutritional value than they did decades ago.  Many health problems can arise from lacking trace minerals.  Some of the most common symptoms of trace mineral deficiencies are muscle cramps, irregular heartbeat, lack of concentration, chronic fatigue, anemia, abdominal issues, numbness or tingling in the extremities, and a poor immune system.  These concentrated mineral drops provide 24+ trace minerals.  For more information, please click the button below.


Detoxing is often overlooked in the healing process.  Toxins can slow healing and is sometimes the cause of illness.  Our bodies are designed to remove toxins and have many ways of detoxing, but with all the toxins we are bombarded with in today’s world our bodies can get overloaded with toxins, such as chemicals and heavy metals.  A few of the ways we detox are through our kidneys, liver, and lymphatic system.  Another way is through our skin, which is how the Detox Foot Pads work.  You place them on the bottoms of your feet at bedtime and they draw out toxins as you sleep.  This is a slow and gentle process, but it can get you started in the process of detoxing.  For more details about Detox Foot Pads click the button below.  For information about more thoroughly detoxing please read my page on detoxing by clicking here.