

BlueHealthZone.com was created by me, Sheryl Senft, as a way of spreading the word of the healing power within our own bodies and the powerful healing that nature has to offer.  Very personal health issues and subsequent research led me down the road of understanding how the body breaks down and builds itself up.  The key to good health is having a body that builds up faster than it breaks down.  

I first began learning of these things when I was diagnosed with cervical cancer in about the year 2000.  The doctor told me I needed a hysterectomy.  After the initial shock of hearing the words cancer and hysterectomy I prayed a lot and went into mad research mode.  I read books, searched online, and prayed until I believed I had an answer for my cure.  

I needed to stop poisoning my body, clean it up to the very cells of my body, and give my immune system a strong boost to clean up the cancer.  I ate only organic whole foods; nothing processed.  I juiced lots of carrots and greens everyday.  And on the personal side, because I’m being real here, I used aloe vera vaginal suppositories and I did coffee enemas.

Some doctors will say these things do not work, but they certainly did for me, but at the time I wasn’t positive and I was a little scared.  I had a husband and five children I was raising, and didn’t want to take any chances.  So, I went ahead with the hysterectomy that the oncologist and my own doctor highly recommended.  I’m glad I did.

The day after the operation the oncologist and another doctor came to visit me in my hospital room and explained some things.  I asked if they got all the cancer.  They said there was no cancer to get and explained that a thorough slicing and dicing was done and looked at under a microscope.  No cancer was found.  Even though I expected that to be the case, I was a little surprised, and exceedingly happy.  

That experience opened up a whole new world for me.  I realized that my body reacted according to how I treated it.  

Years earlier when my daughter was just five years old she was diagnosed with MPGN Type 2, which is an autoimmune disease that was destroying her kidneys.  She went through kidney biopsies and many, many blood tests over the years.  It was horrible.  The only treatment the nephrologist offered was prednisone to suppress her immune system so it would slow down the scarring of her kidneys.  When her kidneys had too much scarring they would stop filtering her blood.  He also told us at first that she most likely would need a kidney transplant in two to five years, depending on how quickly the disease progressed. 

I did some research and found that certain supplements could help her.  I think they helped her some. When five years passed he said some make it to 10 years.

The side effects of the prednisone were weight gain and hair growth in places that girls do not want it, not to mention the fact that the purpose of the medication was to suppress her immune system!  We went along with the treatment because we didn’t know any better.  Who were we to question the doctors?

I did ask the nephrologist what caused her to have an autoimmune disease.  He didn’t know, but suggested it could be from strep and he mentioned that it could be genetic.  We knew she had never had strep and we didn’t know of anyone in our family that had an autoimmune disease. 

I mentioned that she had recently been vaccinated because she was about to start kindergarten.  Since vaccines trigger the immune system to create antibodies I asked if it was possible that her immune system did not shut off after the vaccines turned it on.  I don’t remember his exact words, but I remember he immediately shut down that notion.  I sensed his aggravation toward my question.  He didn’t know the cause of her autoimmune disease, but he knew it couldn’t possibly be the vaccines she had recently received.

We obediently went to the hospital every three to six months for blood tests.  There was never any improvement, only a gradual decline in her kidney function.  

I always felt that something more could be done for her, I just didn’t know what.  My computer and books became my best friends.  I searched and searched for answers.  Finally, I came across a website that grabbed my attention.  It lead me to correspond with a doctor and other health professionals in China.  I told them about my daughter’s condition and faxed them her medical report.  

They told me they had a product that was all natural, and that from the information I gave them, this product would work for my daughter.  She needed to take 11 capsules three times per day.  They told me that she needed to do this everyday for five to eight months.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.  Could my daughter be cured?

I asked her nephrologist about her taking these supplements.  He didn’t see how they would cause any harm, but said that they would not do anything to help her, either.  

I ordered their product.  That was the easy part.  By now my daughter was 16 or 17 years old and getting her to take 33 capsules a day was a challenge.  She was so tired of taking pills, and getting blood tests, doctors, hospitals, and anything that reminded her of her disease.  She never really felt great and didn’t have a lot of energy.  She just didn’t want to think about it.  

It was a battle everyday, three times a day getting her to take these supplements, but she did it right for a couple months.  Then I began finding them stuffed under the couch cushions.  She admitted to hiding them in various places. After the initial couple months of taking them the way she was supposed to, she was taking about half of the recommended dosage for another month or so.

Now, it was time to go back to the hospital and get another blood test to see how much she had declined this time.  Then we went back for the results.  

With a big smile on his face, the nephrologist said, “Her tests came back normal.  Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it.”  I remember this vividly because my world changed in that moment.  It was the first time she had normal blood test readings in over 10 years!  I was ecstatic.

I said, “She’s been taking those supplements I asked you about.”  Apparently he had forgotten.  I couldn’t comprehend the next moment.  His whole demeanor changed.  Shockingly, he replied, “No, it wasn’t the supplements.  Herbs couldn’t do that.”  

He went on to explain that a few MPGN Type 2 patients go into remission.  I wondered why he didn’t tell us that from the beginning.  I didn’t want to argue with him, but I thought to myself, she’s been dealing with this for over 10 years with no improvement until she took these supplements.  I’m going with the supplements.

Under her nephrologist’s guidance we weaned her off of the prednisone.

This was nearly 20 years ago.  I wish I could remember everything that was in the supplements so I could share the information because the supplements did more good for my daughter than all the doctors she had over the years at Children’s Hospital, OSU Hospital, and Grant Hospital all together! 

I feel I should finish my daughter’s story.  As I said, she really only completed about two months of the supplements, then she took maybe half of what she was supposed to for about another month.  I would plead with her to take the supplements correctly, but she would either cry or get angry.  After her blood test came back with everything normal I backed off.  

She graduated high school and lived her life.  She had no symptoms for the next 10 years.  Then she became ill again when she was about 27 years old.  She was in and out of the hospital a lot.  During one of my visits with her in the hospital I spoke to one of her doctors.  I told him about her being diagnosed with MPGN Type 2 when she was five years old.  He said that was impossible because no one could live that long after being diagnosed with MPGN Type 2 without having a kidney transplant.  I guess he thought I somehow came up with that diagnosis on my own.  He would get along well with her childhood nephrologist.

Now in her late 20’s, she said she wished she had finished those supplements she had when she was a teenager.  I wished it, too.  She soon had to do dialysis three times a week.  The disease progressed quickly.  She passed away a few weeks after her 29th birthday.

I firmly believe if she had taken all the supplements as she should have, the disease would not have returned.  Her death is the most devastating experience of my life, but I know that the amount of time she lived after being diagnosed with MPGN type 2 is because her body reacted to the natural Chinese medicine.  I’m thankful for that.

After learning more about her disease and natural healing and putting the pieces together, it is my personal opinion that her immune system was desperately working to rid her body of something that was very toxic to it, possibly from the vaccines she received just before starting kindergarten.  The supplements were clearing her body of the toxins, and her kidneys were healing.  Her immune system was returning to normal.  

I searched online for the doctor in China I originally corresponded with because I wanted to share the information here, but I could not find it.  It seems as though the information has vanished. I did come across the Wei Kidney Institute.  Their treatments sound promising for those with chronic kidney disease.  There is also Dr. Puneet Dhawan at Karma Ayurveda.  Today, if I knew someone with a similar condition I would suggest they contact one of them.  

It is my wish that everyone would understand the healing power within their own bodies if they do the right things.  You may be given a devastating diagnosis, but just know that the conventional world of medicine doesn’t necessarily have the last say.  Research your condition and what others have done to get well.  Put your wisdom and knowledge together and figure out which protocol is best for you to follow.  Maybe even get advice from a natural healing practitioner.  I find that asking God for guidance helps.

Whether or not you have an illness, eating whole, organic foods, staying active, and getting a full night’s sleep every night will go a long way toward healing and staying healthy.

With the hustle and bustle of today’s world, taking care of our health is often the least of our concerns until it begins declining, or we get some frightening disease.   Our bodies are organic in nature with a few bits of inorganic compounds, but even those compounds are natural, and necessary for life.  The more we understand this concept and apply it to our lives, the better chance we have of reaching a very old age while maintaining good health, as many do who live in the Blue Zones.

true health

Our bodies are wonderfully designed to always be striving for balance, and wellness.

Whether you cut your finger, break a bone, or catch a virus, your immune system is working to heal and make your body right.

Our bodies are designed to be in a constant state of healing and regeneration. By understanding the needs and processes of your body you can live a long and vibrant life.

It truly saddens me to see countless people suffering and even dying because of a lack of knowledge. So many don’t understand that true healing and health is within their own bodies.

Rather than seeking answers for why they have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer, arthritis or diabetes they take a pill or a shot that doesn’t cure anything. The fact that you need a medication means you’re not cured.

Healing and staying healthy is all about making and keeping your immune system strong.  

Addressing the Cause

High blood pressure is a malady that effects millions of people worldwide. When you ask a doctor what is the cause of high blood pressure many of them will say they don’t know, but are quick to write you a prescription for it.  Addressing the cause doesn’t seem to enter their minds. Then they will say you need to come in for blood work every so often to make sure your kidneys are functioning good enough because most blood pressure medicines damage the kidneys.

Very few doctors will research your particular reason for having high blood pressure.  Most doctors follow the protocol of writing you a prescription and telling you to return in three to six months.  I find this more than a bit frustrating.

I’m not telling anyone to stop taking their medications. What I am saying is to do diligent research on whatever ails you, figure out a path to healing until you no longer need the medications.

Life is in the blood. Blood is essential for life.

Your body is highly intelligent and knows how to best balance what your body needs to insure survival.

One of the causes of high blood pressure is lack of oxygen. Lack of oxygen has different causes. So, sometimes finding the source of a health issue is peeling back layers until you get to the core.

You may lack oxygen because you’re a shallow breather and your heart is making sure your brain and other organs are getting the oxygen they need so they don’t deteriorate. Do you really want to chemically obstruct that process long term?

It’s called adaptation.  Your body will adapt to correct the most crucial needs of your body.  Your heart will pump harder to get the blood and oxygen where it’s needed.  So, while chronic hypertension is not good, hypoxia, or lack of oxygen, is worse.  Your body will do what it needs to do to keep you alive the longest.

By chemically stopping the correction your body is trying to achieve, you are allowing the original problem to persist.  Yes, over time hypertension can lead to serious health issues, but lack of oxygen and nutrients can lead to even more serious issues, and sooner.  And don’t forget about the side effects of the long term use of the medications.

Sometimes treating the symptoms with medication while researching and addressing the cause is absolutely necessary, but you can see why it’s best to address the cause, not just treat the symptoms.  The symptoms are not the source of the problem, they are a warning that something else is wrong.  

These are the reasons for this website and why I tell anyone who will listen, that for the vast majority of us our health is in our own hands.  

I love people.  I hate pain and sickness.  And I hope that as you read this you will be inspired to be proactive in reaching your best health.