
sport, yoga, pilates-1087028.jpg

Importance of Exercise and Movement

Exercise is a dreaded necessity for most of us. It's work and seems like a waste of time. But, exercise can actually be fun and it has great rewards, both short and long-term.

Short-term benefits include decreasing anxiety, fatigue, and stress, and lowering blood sugar. The increased oxygen flow can increase your energy.

Long-term benefits include strengthening muscles and bones and maintaining muscle mass, improving joint pain and stiffness, and helps with quality of sleep. It helps lower blood pressure, helps combat cancer and many chronic diseases.

All of this adds up to living a longer, healthier life.

If you like going to a gym, and you go at least a few times a week, then you probably get plenty of exercise. Personally, I don't like going to the gym.

I like exercising to music - at home. I made a few playlists that last around 30 minutes each. I pick a playlist and exercise to it . The time goes by quickly, and before I know it I'm done.

I do some stretching and twisting for a few minutes, then I do some leg lifts lying on each side then on my back. I do sit-ups. I do push-ups from my knees instead of from my toes. I may do some jumping jacks or stand and touch my fingers to my toes. Sometimes I do squats.

Walking is also great for your health.

If you're not in good enough shape to do any form of exercise yet, just try stretching all of your muscles that you can.

Being active is so important for good health, yet so many of us neglect it. It's too easy to get into a rut of sitting most of the time, especially if we have a job where we sit. Being on the computer a lot or watching TV for hours a day and not being active will teach your body that it doesn't need to use certain muscles.

Muscles and bones become weak, and we definitely do not want that.

If you're already to the point where you are stiff and just don't have the energy or can barely walk, just start out slow with stretching. Work your way up at your own pace. Just start somewhere. Also, take into account that you probably need to change your other lifestyle habits, such as your diet and sleep habits.